Prevent Grinding Damage With A Night Guard In The Annex

Your tooth enamel is the strongest substance in your entire body. This strong, but brittle tooth layer is made up of 96% mineral content, but that doesn’t make it invincible. In fact, if you’re among the estimated 13% of people who clench or grind their teeth, you could be causing serious damage. At Bloor Dental Clinic in The Annex, we’d …

Bad Breath Doesn’t Have To Hold You Back

Does bad breath (halitosis) get in your way of living life to the fullest? Do you find yourself constantly wondering what others think of you when you open your mouth or speak near them? You’re not alone. Studies reveal that 50% of adults develop bad breath, also known as halitosis, in their lifetime. At Bloor Dental Clinic in The Annex, …

Wisdom Teeth: Not So Wise After All – Wisdom Teeth Removal In The Annex

If you’re like most people, you’ll have your wisdom teeth removed at some point in your life. Perhaps you’ve already undergone this procedure and now your son or daughter is experiencing mouth discomfort due to these large third molars. Is the pain affecting their sleep? Are they having trouble eating? What’s in a name? Our third molars are called wisdom …