Dental Implants Can Complete Your Smile


An incomplete smile not only affects the way you look when you show it off, but it can also make you more self-conscious and anxious about opening your mouth at all.

And … there are other negative consequences. Missing teeth can affect your eating habits and speech patterns.

If you’re missing teeth, you’re not alone. At Bloor Dental Clinic, we help restore many patients’ smiles with dental implants. We’ve seen, firsthand, how they create natural and vibrant looking smiles that function just as like your natural teeth.

If you’re an adult who’s missing teeth, we can’t stress enough how important it is replace them. Every tooth we have serves an important role in our mouth – from chewing foods to keeping your jawbones strong to ensuring surrounding teeth stay in place.

Implants aren’t the only solution, but we’re going to focus on them in this blog because they’re such a successful solution for many of my patients.

What are implants? Implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth. An implant is a synthetic root comprised of titanium metal that is placed in your jawbone. Just like your original tooth root, it will stimulate your jawbone to keep it strong and healthy, and ensure other teeth stay where they should. A crown is placed on the root once it’s fully integrated and its strength has been established.

  • Permanent implant options include:
  • single or multiple implants
  • implant-supported bridges
  • mini implants
  • overdentures.

What do you get? A secure comfortable smile! No one will know you have implants because they look just right.

Are you a good candidate for implants? The perfect candidates are in good overall health and have healthy gums. You also need adequate bone to support the implant … good oral hygiene habits and regular checkups are a must.

We would be delighted to sit down with you for a consultation to discuss your wants and needs for your smile. After obtaining all your medical history, we will determine if implants are the perfect fit for you.

Call our team today to get started!

Bloor Dental Clinic in the Annex
Dr. Peter Aldor
Dr. Bernard Balinsky