Maintain A Healthy Smile With Preventive Dentistry

Prevention is an essential aspect of dentistry, as it helps patients prioritize and protect their smiles in the short and long term. It’s also a crucial component for maintaining good overall health, as the mouth can be a gateway for bacteria and infections that can spread to other parts of the body.

At Bloor Dental Clinic in Toronto, our team is dedicated to helping our patients prevent oral health issues. Call us today!

What treatments and procedures are part of preventive dentistry?

Along with routine dental check-ups and oral health education, preventive dentistry also includes dental sealants, fluoride treatments, and scaling and polishing the teeth to remove plaque. Screening for decay, gum disease, and oral cancer are also part of preventive dentistry.

What are the benefits of preventive dentistry?

The primary benefit of preventive dentistry is that it can help patients catch minor issues early on and manage them before they become more serious. Additionally, this type of dentistry helps patients maintain a healthy smile that ultimately promotes and protects their overall health.

How often should I see my dentist for preventive dentistry?

The frequency of visits can vary depending on a patient’s individual needs and risk factors, but it is generally recommended that patients see their dentist at least twice annually for preventive care.

At Bloor Dental Clinic, our team of experienced dental professionals can answer any questions you have and help to create a comprehensive plan for maintaining optimal oral health.  We look forward to helping you enjoy a beautiful, healthy smile!

Contact Bloor Dental Clinic About Preventive Dentistry Today

  • Promote good oral health
  • Catch dental issues early on
  • Benefit from treatments & services that protect your smile
  • Learn how to strengthen your smile in the short and long term
  • Prioritize your oral health!

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