Don’t Become The Victim Of A Sports Injury – Wear A Sports Mouthguard

Does your son or daughter play on a school sports team? Are you in a rec league? Listen up! Your dentist in Toronto wants you to get the best protection for your precious smile – a sports mouthguard. Some things are out of our control … but what we can prevent is damage to our smiles caused by contact sports …

Oral Health & The Mouth-Body Connection You Need To Know About

The Surgeon General’s Report on Oral Health in America highlights the importance of oral health and its impact on overall health. The mouth-body connection is one that can’t be denied. In this blog, we’ll tell you what we know thanks to scientific evidence. You may learn some facts that surprise you! If you have poor oral health, it may lead …

Teeth Sealants Can Protect Your Child’s Smile!

Did you know … dental sealants are an effective and popular way to prevent cavities in molars and premolars. And they aren’t just for kids! At Bloor Dental Clinic in The Annex, we’ve helped many adults protect their smiles too! Sealants are plastic coatings that are painted on the chewing surfaces of your teeth. Because the sealant material is fluid …