Wake Up Refreshed With Sleep Apnea Treatment From Your Dentist In The Annex

What Is Sleep Apnea & How Can a Dentist in The Annex Help? Sleep apnea is a disorder that results in the momentary cessation of breathing throughout the night. These involuntary pauses in breathing might seem like a small thing, but for some people, they occur up to sixty or more times per hour for a duration of up to …

Are You A Candidate For Dental Implants From Your Bathurst Dentist?

Along with my team at Bloor Dental Clinic, we believe everyone deserves to experience life with a complete, healthy smile. That’s why we provide restorative dentistry on Bathurst, including dental implants. Because of this treatment, many people like you are proudly showing off their new and improved look and enjoying the everyday benefits of beautiful teeth. However, we know that …

When You Need An Emergency Dentist at Bathurst And Bloor, Toronto

No one ever plans a dental emergency, and it’s for that reason exactly that you should plan how to react should one happen. The first thing to know is that if you have a dental emergency, you need an emergency dentist. Our team at Bloor Dental Clinic is ready to help. Our strong team has been working together for many …

Dispelling Root Canal Treatment’s Bad Rap

Before you read any further, let’s get something out of the way. Root canal treatment – an amazing dental technique that repairs and saves teeth – gets a bad rap. Despite its proven success, amazing outcome, and modern-day technique, we still hear patients ask me when treatment is completed, “Wow, is that it?!” This is because the pain associated with …

Fast, Safe, and Effective Teeth Whitening

Did you know that about 60% of Canadians believe an attractive smile impacts their self-confidence? This was uncovered in a survey conducted by the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association. Perhaps that’s why we all like to keep our teeth their whitest and brightest … because we know how good it feels, the confidence it instills, and the great impression it makes! …

We can help you with a host of cosmetic treatments

When you look in the mirror, is there something you don’t like about your smile? Did you know it’s possible to see major results with small cosmetic changes? Many people – just like you – have come to Bloor Dental Clinic for warm and friendly treatment to improve the appearance and functionality of their smile. In this blog, I’m going …

Start The New Year Off Right With These Dental Resolutions

On behalf of the entire team at Bloor Dental Clinic, I’d like to wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous New Year! Now that it’s here, many people are making their resolutions … but have you thought about including your smile as part of your “fresh start” list? If not, we recommend you consider a few dental …

Saving Your Smile From The Holidays

Let’s face it: during the holidays, most of us like to indulge. Whether it’s mom’s Christmas cake or a few perfectly-mixed pumpkin spice cocktails, it’s easy to eat and drink more than we normally would. We’re human, after all. But this holiday season, I encourage you to think about your smile before consuming that irresistible treat – because it could …

Dental Implants Can Complete Your Smile

An incomplete smile not only affects the way you look when you show it off, but it can also make you more self-conscious and anxious about opening your mouth at all. And … there are other negative consequences. Missing teeth can affect your eating habits and speech patterns. If you’re missing teeth, you’re not alone. At Bloor Dental Clinic, I …